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About Me


Richard Barry


I started drawing in my mother's womb (or so I believe).  After being expelled from my liquid Eden, I spent my formative years trying to avoid television.  Growing up in the shadow of an air force base which my parents had no connection to, in a red state, in a working class (union) family, I secluded myself in the 'rumpus' room where I drew, solved puzzles, drew, read Scientific American and Brittanica articles, and drew.  Being surrounded by my peer riff-raff (I exclude my  brother from that reference) whos' intellectual level reached as high as Mad Magazine, b.b. guns, and throwing rocks, I did not live in a conducive environment for nurture and development of an artist, an intellectual, and a gay man.  (Though my parents were great about all of the above!  Sadly, they have passed.)


Upon graduation from day prison, where the only classes I liked were acting, orchestra, and fitness, I veered off into 'Economics' at university level.  But my insatiable curiosity and polymath (or Polyphemus Moth) character led me to draw nectar from a smorgasbord of mental flowers.

Slide show of self-portraits

Now, 1,892,160,000 seconds from that fateful expulsion into the 'real world' I shall encumber my projected 1,103,760,000 remaining seconds with the task of sharing the deep crusty recesses of my mentalsphere with all sentient beings who will listen and view them.  Enjoy.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.  The unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."  -  Bernard Shaw

"Everything in the cosmos exists in order to emerge as a book."  -  Mallarme

© 2022 Richard Barry

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